Waste Toner Programme
Disposing of your waste toner powder can be problematic. But a new solution is available that incorporates your waste toner into a proprietary manufacturing process that initially requires up to 10,000 tons per year.
Here is how the waste toner programme works:
Step 1: You confirm the amount (weight) of toner that you have for processing, its location and your full company details, including VAT number.
Step 2: You will receive a quote to receive and process the waste toner. When you accept the quote you will receive the billing, handling and delivery instructions.
Step 3: Your waste toner is delivered to the contractor’s premises and will be checked and the waste transfer note issued to you.
- Where is the toner processed?
The toner is received, stored and processed in the United Kingdom
- How should it be packaged?
The waste toner should be packed in lined one-ton sacks. Click here to see the best type of sack to use.
- Where can I get lined one-ton sacks?
Bags and liners are available in most EU member states, but the contractor can supply bags and liners. The cost is £15 per bag and liner plus VAT, post and packing.
- Which countries can send waste toner to you?
At the moment, we can only accept waste toner from the United Kingdom and other European Union member states.
- How should I ship to you?
You should prepare and ship the load according to the relevant regulations in the member state where the waste toner is located. Any additional information will be supplied with the billing, handling and delivery instructions.
- Can I just send the toner to you for processing?
No, to ensure the safe handling of your waste toner and to keep costs as low as possible the contractor can only accept prearranged deliveries. Unsolicited deliveries will be rejected.
- How much does the service cost?
The cost will depend on the size of the shipment and how it is packaged.